
Self-Help & Mental Wellness

Archive for the ‘Self Esteem’ Category

Secrets of Happy People Part 3: Good Self-Care
Secrets of Happy People Part 3: Good Self-Care

The previous articles in the Secrets of Happy People series have addressed two key skills of happy people: Positive thinking and believing in your self-worth. Additional secrets of happy people indicate that happy people practice self-compassion and self-care tactics which enrich their lives and promote happiness and overall health. When faced with stressful and challenging […]

Secrets of Happy People: Part 2, Self-Worth
Secrets of Happy People: Part 2, Self-Worth

Thinking more positively about your life was the first part of the Secrets of Happy People series. The second secret is about the importance of thinking positively about yourself: believing in your self-worth. An essential component to happiness is developing a view of yourself that is based on the premises that you are a worthy […]

Do You Treat Others With More Compassion Than You Give To Yourself?

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion”-Dalai Lama Self-compassion refers to the ability to love and value yourself. Self-compassion in an important part of self-love, with self love being an important feature of improving self-esteem and mental health. Furthermore, self-compassion offers a coping strategy and […]

How Can I Get More from my Relationships by Being Assertive?
How Can I Get More from my Relationships by Being Assertive?

Being assertive can be hard. You are often socialized from a young age to put others first and pretend everything is ok. Or, perhaps you grew up in an environment were people yelled to be heard. If either of these early environments rings true for you, you may be communicating either passively or aggressively. Assertiveness […]