Frequently Asked Questions

At Senta, we understand that the possibility of starting Psychotherapy worries most people. We have tried to address some of the concerns that may be contributing to any apprehension you may have in deciding if Senta is right for you. We have also included further information about the therapy process. Feel free to contact us should you have any further questions.

Is Psychotherapy right for me?

Psychotherapy may be a good decision at this time if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or frustrated with certain areas of your life. Psychotherapy can be particularly important if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression or low self-esteem. It is a place to learn and try different ways of looking at your concerns. It can be  helpful for relationship challenges. Psychotherapy will be a place for you to create better self-awareness and to seek help from a supportive and non-judgemental professional. The type of Psychotherapy that we provide is evidence-based and solution-focused. We will work hard to help you resolve issues and make changes in your life, to help you live a more authentic and meaningful life. We strive to help you feel stronger, better and happier.

What can I expect when I start Psychotherapy?

Once you have filled out our Online Appointment Form, we will email you to set up your first appointment time. We work very hard to have no waittimes for booking in a first appointment and the majority of the time this is the case. We do have a high volume of requests and sometimes it will take us up to one week to reply to your request, but once we are connected by e-mail, it typically is possible to receive an appointment within the same week. You will have the opportunity to ask question. At your first session, we will spend some time going over what to expect once you start to attend regular sessions. Typically, an initial session involves getting to know each other and understanding what struggles you are currently having, you can share relevant history. We will then book a following session, if you would like to move forward, and we will begin to start working on your goals together. At Senta, it is most important that you feel comfortable at all times and you will always have the opportunity to voice any concerns or questions. We always want to know how you are doing in Psychotherapy. Client care and customer service are important pillars of the work that we do. Your well-being is our priority.  

How can I trust a stranger with details of my personal life?

The therapist’s goal is to understand your unique experience in order to be helpful. Your therapist will listen and hear about your experience and history from an unbiased and nonjudgmental point of view. All discussions you have with your counsellor will remain strictly confidential. Your privacy will be protected so that you can feel comfortable and safe to share. Senta Counselling follows strict ethical guidelines in practice. We will talk more about the confidential nature of counselling at our first session.


Is Psychotherapy covered under my health benefits?

The Psychotherapy provided at Senta is reimbursable by most third-party healthcare benefits companies. Check with your employer or third-party provider’s policy to verify. When you are at your session, you will pay for the session fee, and receive a detailed receipt, that you will then be able to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Senta Counselling Services does not do direct billing to insurance companies. Each Psychotherapist reserves a few spots at a time for clients with financial strains or low income and we may be able to adjust your hourly fee.