What would you write on a Valentine card to yourself? This Valentine’s day, I call you to write a Valentine note addressed to you! A note from a place of self-love on this day that we so often tell others how much they mean to us.
In your note, you can include the following: What are your favorite things about yourself? When do you love to spend time with yourself the most? What qualities and strengths do you self-admire? What are you most appreciative of in the life that you have created for yourself?
The note can be done by spending time today to slow down long enough to simply think about yourself in this way or you can get as crafty and creative as you want!
Now who said you need someone else to make you feel good on Valentine’s Day? Now go on and get to loving!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Per erat natum scribentur eu, ne vim congue ullamcorper. Sint rebum graeco ad ius. Qui no invidunt legendos. Sea an atqui choro melius. Ex sea suas dictas pri case.
View all posts by Cassandra Petrella, MA